Jalin Ketter appointed CEO of PVA TePla

  • Supervisory Board recognizes her expertise and leadership skills
  • CEO contract runs until mid-2028
  • Supervisory Board transfers long-term management responsibility for PVA TePla to Jalin Ketter

Wettenberg, December 7, 2023. Jalin Ketter will take over as CEO of PVA TePla AG on 1 January 2024. With this appointment, the Supervisory Board recognizes her work to drive the further development of the technology provider for high-tech systems in recent years as CFO and especially in the last six months as Spokesperson of the Management Board. During this time, the 38-year-old has impressed with both her technological expertise and her leadership skills. The duration of her contract remains unchanged. The Supervisory Board has thus entrusted Jalin Ketter with long-term management responsibility for PVA TePla. She will fulfil the CEO position in addition to her duties as CFO.

"My goals are clear: together with our excellent team, I will drive PVA TePla's profitable growth and further expand our market position as a leading technology company in the fields of material solutions and metrology," says Jalin Ketter, Spokesperson of the Management Board and CEO-designate.

"The decision to appoint Jalin Ketter as CEO not only recognizes her impressive expertise and leadership skills, but also her many years of valuable work for PVA TePla," explains Alexander von Witzleben, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of PVA TePla. "She has made a significant contribution to our success in recent years. We are convinced that she will lead our organization into the future with foresight and determination. This step underlines our confidence in Jalin Ketter, the management team and our shared vision."

The Supervisory Board had already appointed Jalin Ketter as Spokesperson of the Management Board last July as part of the reorganization of the Group's top management. Since then, she has led PVA TePla in this role together with COO Oliver Höfer. As of 1 January 2024, the Supervisory Board will give her full responsibility for the Management Board in addition to her duties as CFO. The finance department has already been strengthened by Elke Kleemann as Head of Finance. Jalin Ketter’s contract, which was extended in the middle of last year, will run until at least 30 June 2028, giving the 38-year-old the top position in the management of the technology company for the long term.

A Capital Market Day will be held at PVA TePla's headquarters in Giessen on May 16, 2024. This will provide an opportunity to familiarize yourself in detail with the company's strategy, the various product lines and their areas of application in the markets.

Dr. Gert Fisahn
Investor Relations
Phone: +49(0)641/68690-400


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PVA Metrology & Plasma Solutions GmbH
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